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Kebutuhan Trading Forex

Untuk melengkapi sarana dan prasarana dalam bertransaksi pada Forex Market, silahkan kunjungi, daftarkan diri anda dan download trading platform, GRATIS, pada situs dibawah ini

GFX Group SA

GFX Group SA is a Forex broker based in Geneva, Switzerland. Our powerful and easy-to-use software, secure trading environment, and superior trading conditions have made GFX one of the leading Forex dealers in the world. GFX is recommended by many leading industry participants.

The GFX "GlobalTrader" software sets a new standard in online trading functionality, performance, and ease of use. GlobalTrader takes only seconds to download and install, and performs flawlessly on Windows operating systems. Clients can trade 33 currency pairs, as well as gold, silver, and crude oil. Other advantages include instant online fills, free charts, real-time profit and equity tracking, fractional lot size capabilities, hedging capabilities, and 0.5% margin requirements.

With 35% of the world's private assets managed by financial institutions based in Switzerland, the country has a long established tradition as one of the world's largest financial centers. Customers are assured that GFX consistently meets the strictest standards of financial stability and proper handling of client funds. Furthermore, client funds are maintained segregated from GFX's capital, thereby offering security of funds.

GFX encourages clients to conduct as much due diligence as possible and all brokers they are considering. We welcome client visits to our headquarters in Geneva, whether to meet our professional staff or simply see our operations first-hand.

GFX is supervised as a Financial Intermediary according to Swiss regulation with regards to anti-money laundering.

Contact GFX Group


+ 41-22-799-41-00

Dealing (clients only):
+ 41-22-799-41-06


Primary fax:
+ 41-44-355-35-86



Customer Service:

Technical Support:


Introducing Brokers:

Institutional Sales:

Mailing Address
and Headquarters
GFX Group SA
World Trade Center 1
Route de l'AĆ©roport 10
1215 Geneva 15